Taming the Tingling: How to Nix Neuropathy

Diabetic neuropathy, a nerve damage condition afflicting many who must manage diabetes, presents quite a few challenges. From tingling and numbness to burning pain and even balance issues, it can significantly impact quality of life and even lead to serious, potentially life-threatening complications.

Desert Podiatric Medical Specialists is all about early detection and early intervention. For this post, we’re going to get into the specific signs, symptoms, and management methods that pertain to neuropathy so you can stay a step ahead of any problems.

Recognizing the Signs

Diabetic neuropathy can manifest in various ways, but some common early signs include:

  • Tingling or numbness, often starting in the feet and hands.
  • This “pins and needles” feeling can progress to burning pain or “shooting” sensations.
  • Nerve damage can also affect muscle function, leading to balance issues, weakness, coordination loss, and falls.

Early Detection is Key

The sooner diabetic neuropathy is detected, the better. Regular foot exams by your podiatrist are crucial, including:

  • Sensory testing is used to assess the feeling in your feet and detect early numbness.
  • Monofilament testing to check for pressure sensitivity and identify areas at risk for foot ulcers.
  • Nerve conduction studies to measure function and pinpoint affected areas.

Taking Control

Managing your diabetes is paramount in preventing and slowing nerve damage. A few options include:

  • Maintaining healthy blood sugar levels is the cornerstone of preventing and managing neuropathy.
  • Eating a balanced diet, exercising regularly, and maintaining a healthy weight all contribute to nerve health.
  • Regularly inspect your feet for cuts, blisters, or other injuries, and wear shoes that fit.

Treatment Options

While there’s no cure, various treatments can alleviate symptoms and improve quality of life:

  • Medications like anticonvulsants or topical pain relievers might manage discomfort.
  • Physical therapy, including strengthening exercises or balance training, can improve mobility and prevent falls.
  • Specialized footwear or therapeutic shoes could protect your feet and distribute pressure evenly.
  • In severe cases, surgery might be considered to address nerve compression or pain issues.

Don’t face neuropathy alone! The foot experts at Desert Podiatric Medical Specialists in the Tucson, Oro Valley, and Green Valley areas of Pima County, Arizona, have unparalleled experience treating all aspects of foot and ankle care. If you have any questions or concerns or want to make an appointment, please call (520) 575-0800.

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