Three Chronic Calcaneal Conditions and How to Treat Them

Three Chronic Calcaneal Conditions and How to Treat Them

Foot conditions are tricky because they affect your daily mobility, and chronic calcaneal conditions are no exception. Below, the team at Desert Podiatric Medical Specialists explores three common chronic calcaneal conditions to help you find the potential culprit of your foot pain. Plantar Fasciitis This condition is characterized by inflammation of the plantar fascia, a…

Ways to Ease Flat Foot Pain

Ways to Ease Flat Foot Pain

You may not always feel like you’re walking on clouds, but experiencing discomfort and pain with each step definitely should not be the norm. Flat feet, also known as fallen arches, can lead to discomfort and pain, affecting your daily activities. The team at Desert Podiatric Medical Specialists often provides advice to patients with this…

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