Halloween Foot and Ankle Safety: Do’s and Don’ts

Halloween: A child’s favorite holiday! Dress up like Batman, Cinderella or a wicked witch, eat lots of candy and stay up late!

The last thing that a trick or treater or a parent wants is a foot or ankle injury that will spoil all the fun. But walking on unfamiliar ground that may be uneven or rocky can pose tripping and falling risks.

Here are some “do’s and don’ts” to help keep your little ghosts and goblins safe on Halloween:

  • DO plan your route in advance to include areas that are well-lit. Stay away from any areas where the ground may have rocks and holes that can increase the chance of an ankle sprain.
  • DON’T let your child talk you into costume footwear like giant dinosaur feet or flimsy plastic high heels. Stick to comfortable and stable shoes like lace-up sneakers. With a snug pair of socks, your trick-or-treater will have foot protection and stability.
  • DO hem costumes that are too long to prevent tripping.
  • DON’T bring along spears, lightsabers and wands that are too big or awkward to minimize the risk of tripping and other injuries.
  • DO use non-toxic face paint instead of a mask that can impair a child’s vision. Be sure to try the paint on skin first to check for allergies.
  • DON’T let kids run wildly by themselves. Even in familiar territory, a child can easily get caught up in the moment and trip on an unseen curb or other hazard, ending up with an injury like a fracture.
  • DO increase visibility by giving your child a mini-flashlight to carry. Add reflective tape to treat bags and costumes.

One more very important “DO”: Please bring your child in to see us if he or she complains of foot or ankle pain! Let us expertly diagnose and treat the problem.

We Can Help with Any Pediatric Foot or Ankle Pain

For any type of foot or ankle pain, call us. Foot pain is not normal! If you have pain from bunions or any other foot or ankle condition or have suffered any type of foot injury, please call Dr. Christopher M. Funk, Dr. Bradley A. Whitaker or Dr. Peter C. Merrill at Desert Podiatric Medical Specialists. Our professional staff offers expert podiatry services at three Pima County offices: Tucson, Oro Valley and Green Valley. Please call us today at (520) 575-0800 to schedule your appointment.

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