skin conditions

Top 5 Skin Problems for Your Feet

Think about your feet for a moment. They are really unique parts of your body for several reasons:

  • They are always contacting a surface including those that may cause injury or may harbor contagious bacteria and fungi.
  • They are closed in a moist and dark environment – your shoes – that fungi just love.
  • They are the parts of your body that are furthest from your heart, which may be risky for circulation.
  • We constantly shove them into shoes that may not fit properly. This creates friction that can cause blisters, calluses, and corns as well as painful foot problems.

Our poor aching feet! They have more than their share of skin problems in all seasons. Here are the top 5 foot problems that we routinely see in our office:

  1. Athlete’s foot is a fungal infection that loves the moist environment in your shoes. This fungus is easily picked up in public areas like pools, locker rooms, and spas. You will notice itching, dry skin, redness, and peeling. Over-the-counter products give only temporary relief; you need a foot doctor’s care for complete healing. Prevent fungal infections by keeping your shoes and socks clean and dry.
  2. Blisters are formed when the foot is frequently irritated from friction from footwear. Cover a blister with a bandage to keep it clean. If it breaks, wash it and re-bandage – try not to remove the skin on top as it will protect the skin underneath. You can avoid blisters by wearing well-fitting shoes with good quality socks.
  3. Calluses and corns. When bony areas of your feet and toes rub against footwear or each other. Don’t try to cut them yourself – come see us for safe removal. Custom-fitted orthotics can relieve pressure points to prevent calluses.
  4. Heel fissures, or cracked heels, occur when the skin is too dry. Dead skin builds up on the heels and pressure from walking will cause the skin to crack. Be sure to moisturize your feet every day, and regularly exfoliate the dead skin with a pumice stone or foot file.
  5. Ulcers are dangerous wounds, especially for those with diabetes. Poor blood circulation combined with neuropathy can make it hard for you to feel any damage to your feet – and healing blood flow won’t be able to do its job. This is a recipe for a small cut or puncture to worsen into an ulcer. Please come in to see us right away for a sore that is not healing.

Don’t live with skin problems on your feet – we can help!

Let Us Know If You Observe Any Skin Problems on Your Feet

For any type of foot or ankle pain, call us. Foot pain is not normal! If you have pain from bunions or any other foot or ankle condition or have suffered any type of foot injury, please call Dr. Christopher M. Funk, Dr. Bradley A. Whitaker or Dr. Peter C. Merrill at Desert Podiatric Medical Specialists. Our professional staff offers expert podiatry services at three Pima County offices: Tucson, Oro Valley and Green Valley. Please call us today at (520) 575-0800 to schedule your appointment.

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