ingrown toenails

Are Ingrown Toenails Causing Your Toes Pain?

Ingrown toenails are a common condition. It occurs when the corners of your toenails grow into your flesh. While this can also happen at the sides of the toes, you may notice the corners bleed and are more painful or tender. If the pain spreads beyond your toe, you will need to see your podiatrist. In addition to this, if you have diabetes or a condition that causes inadequate blood circulation in the foot area, you are at greater risk for dealing with this issue. 

Ingrown Toenail Symptoms

  • Redness—you will notice redness occurring on the sides and corners of the toes along with inflammation and swelling around the nail. 
  • Tenderness and pain—you will experience both these issues where the nail is growing in and in the toe itself. If left untreated, you will experience more severe problems as you keep walking on it.
  • Infection—an ingrown toenails can cause infection in the nail tissue, which is a severe complication and can become more dangerous if you have diabetes. You will be able to tell that your toe is infected if your skin has created an overgrowth around the toe and if you see bleeding or oozing occurring.
  • Fluid—left untreated fluid will start building up and around the toe. 

An ingrown toenail can lead to bone infections while also damaging the nerves in your foot. Another issue that people with diabetes face with ingrown toenails is the possibility of gangrene. Take the best steps to make sure that your feet are in the best health so that you can have the ability to look and feel your best. 

Suppose you are experiencing pain due to ingrown toenails. In that case, the team of foot experts at Desert Podiatric Medical Specialists in the Tucson, Oro Valley, and Green Valley areas of Pima County, Arizona, has excellent experience treating issues on your ankles your feet. Our team of doctors: Christopher M. Funk, D.P.M., FACFAS, Bradley A. Whitaker, D.P.M., FACFAS, and Peter C. Merrill, D.P.M., AACFAS, and Zeno Pfau, D.P.M., offer the greatest in technologically advanced methods and cutting edge medical technologies, including the PinPointe FootLaser, and Radial Pulse Therapy (RPT) for chronic pain. Please call (520) 575-0800 and make an appointment.

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