athlete's foot

Athlete’s Foot and Protecting Your Toes

Athlete’s foot occurs between the toes. The fungal infection commonly occurs in those who have sweaty feet. You will notice this is an issue if you have a scaly rash on your foot that creates burning and itching on your feet. Highly contagious, it can spread through towels, clothing, floors, or sharing shoes. We recommend that you have a podiatrist look at your feet as soon as possible to ensure the problem is taken care of correctly.

How to Prevent Athlete’s Foot

  • Powder—daily use of an antifungal powder on your feet will help your feet stay dry.
  • Never share footwear—sharing shoes is one of the fastest ways you can spread this condition to others. You should only wear your footwear.
  • Wear non-slip sandals—if you are in a locker room, shower, or pool area to protect your feet from bacteria and fungus that thrive in these warm and damp environments.
  • The proper shoes—avoid shoes made from materials like rubber and vinyl. Instead, choose leather or canvas, materials that help keep your feet ventilated. If a shoe can breathe, so can your feet. 
  • Change your socks—changing your socks regularly ensures that bacteria and fungus do not get trapped inside your shoe. However, if your feet tend to sweat, change your socks as needed.
  • Dry your feet—always make sure you dry your feet thoroughly after cleansing. Remember to keep the area between toes dry. Between the toes is an area that collects moisture the most. 

If you are experiencing issues with Athlete’s foot, visit the experienced team of podiatrists at Desert Podiatric Medical Specialists. With locations in Tucson, Oro Valley, and Green Valley areas of Pima County, Arizona, we have vast experience treating issues of the ankles, feet, and problems that may occur. Our team of doctors: Christopher M. Funk, D.P.M., FACFAS, Bradley A. Whitaker, D.P.M., FACFAS, and Peter C. Merrill, D.P.M., AACFAS, and Zeno Pfau, D.P.M., will offer the greatest in technologically advanced methods and cutting edge medical treatments, including the PinPointe FootLaser, and Radial Pulse Therapy (RPT) for chronic pain. Please call (520) 575-0800 and make an appointment.

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