national sock day
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Celebrate National Sock Day

Did you know that December 4 is National Sock Day? We love a day to celebrate the often-colorful accessories that also serve a greater purpose for our foot health. The holiday celebrates the socks that have stuck together. We’re talking about the big win of finding a matching pair of socks.

While we think about our favorite pair of socks and whether we can find them, let’s talk about the many benefits of this extra layer of protection. How can they help us care for our feet? The Desert Podiatric Medical Specialists offer three ways our favorite foot coverings can keep us on the path toward good foot hygiene.

Protection from dirt, germs, and more

Walking barefoot is a stressor for podiatrists. We know just how vulnerable our patients’ feet can be without the proper protection. For patients who have diabetes, extra coverage is even more vital. While walking barefoot, a patient may scrape their foot. Dirt and other debris can enter under the toenails. If there is an uncovered, pre-existing wound it is at risk of becoming infected.

Cushion in the right place

Did you know that there are special shoes for patients who have diabetes? Yes, diabetic socks are among one of our top recommendations. These specialized socks offer extra cushion and support in all of the right places. Since walking barefoot is a big mistake, we can’t recommend these accessories enough. Be sure to choose lighter colors to spot blood or discharge from a wound. 

Far away from friction

Friction often causes the corns and calluses that we see on our feet. When our feet rub against another surface, the motion can cause the skin to become thick and hard. Over time, the skin may break down further and turn into an ulcer. The condition is common for patients who have diabetes. Wearing correctly sized shoes and appropriate socks is a more comfortable and healthy way to protect your feet. 

When thinking about foot care and your favorite pair, remember to keep things clean and dry. Change your socks often, don’t share them, and change them if they feel too tight. 

With locations in Tucson, Oro Valley, and Green Valley areas of Pima County, Arizona, we have vast experience treating issues of the ankles and feet. Our podiatry team, Dr. Christopher M. Funk, Dr. Bradley A. Whitaker, Dr. Peter C. Merrill, and Dr. Zeno Pfau. Our doctors offer technologically advanced methods and cutting-edge medical treatments.
Please call 520-575-0800 to make an appointment.

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