
Symptoms That Could Indicate You Have Thyroid Disease

As January is Thyroid Awareness Month, medical professionals all around the globe are taking this opportunity to highlight the importance of a healthy thyroid and its impact on our feet.

Here are some important facts that you should know about the thyroid:

  • What does the thyroid do? It releases hormones that control the metabolism of our body.
  • Where is it located? It is a gland in our throats.
  • There are two types of disorders that can result when your thyroid is not healthy:
  • If the thyroid is underactive (also known as hypothyroidism), it slows down the metabolism, often resulting in weight gain and fatigue without any apparent reason.
  • If the thyroid is overactive (also known as hyperthyroidism), that means the thyroid is overproducing the hormones.

Symptoms linked to hypothyroidism:

  • Sudden and prolonged drop in the body temperature, resulting in excessively cold feet and hands.
  • Feelings of fatigue and tiredness combined with the inability to move your lower extremities.
  • Dry and cracked skin, especially on the feet.
  • Joint pain is also a frequent occurrence, especially in the ankles and the foot joints.
  • Swelling, inflammation and a burning sensation in the feet.

Symptoms associated with hyperthyroidism:

  • Fast and unexplained weight loss.
  • Increased heart rate.
  • Excessive sweating is also common.
  • In frequent cases, anxiety has been observed.
  • Patients may also experience an increase in appetite.

One common symptom of these two conditions is foot infections like fungal toenails and Athlete’s foot. If you notice that these infections are becoming more frequent or lasting longer than usual, have your thyroid checked and visit your podiatrist right away. There is a possibility that other factors may be causing the infections. However, it is best to get it checked by a professional rather than applying home remedies and guessing what the issue might be.

While it is common to mistake foot pain caused by thyroid disease as arthritis pain, your podiatrist will be in a better position to decipher the reason for your pain and propose suitable treatment options.

Here are some common treatment methods used to treat thyroid:

  1. The doctor may prescribe resting as it helps counter swelling and fatigue.
  2. You may have to use customized orthotics to support your feet and ankles.
  3. Physical therapy and light exercises are also known to improve thyroid disorders.
  4. Medication helps alleviate pain and other symptoms caused by thyroid disease.

If your feet are hurting or you notice something unusual, schedule an appointment with your podiatrist so that your feet can be thoroughly examined. With timely treatment, you can avoid long-term issues.

The foot experts at Desert Podiatric Medical Specialists in the Tucson, Oro Valley, and Green Valley areas of Pima County, Arizona, have unparalleled experience treating all aspects of foot and ankle care. If you have any questions or want to make an appointment, please call (520) 575-0800.

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