
Preventing Pesky Plantar Warts This Summer

Do you experience pain on the sole of your foot when walking barefoot? If so, you may be dealing with a plantar wart. These warts are common and more noticeable during the warmer summer because we’re walking barefoot more often. In today’s post, The Desert Podiatric Medical Specialists  shares more information regarding these warts, including how to prevent them. 

Causes of Plantar Warts: the human papillomavirus (HPV) causes plantar warts on the sole. There are several strains of the virus, and because of that, there are many different kinds of warts. Plantar wart characteristics often look raised and round, flat, small, or big. The wart itself is not usually painful but can become tender when walking barefoot or when you apply pressure to the bottom of the foot. 

How To Get Rid of Plantar Warts:

Over-the-counter wart treatments are ineffective in getting rid of warts. Our treatments include:

  • Prescription acid treatments to remove the wart
  • Laser treatment to destroy the wart
  • Applying liquid nitrogen to freeze the wart
  • Surgical removal of the wart.

How to Prevent a Plantar Wart

  • Avoid going barefoot, particularly on damp surfaces such as the gym or pool shower.
  • Don’t make direct contact with the wart – always wash hands immediately after contact with it.
  • Examine your feet regularly – don’t ignore lesions, changes in your skin, or growths.
  • Washing your feet once a day can help decrease the possibility of athlete’s foot, warts, and toenail fungus.
  • Keep feet dry and clean because dark, moist places are breeding grounds for fungus and bacteria that can cause foot infections. Change your socks and shoes daily to allow them to dry out completely.
  • Don’t ignore your foot problems – visit your podiatrist at the first sign of an issue.

If you have a problem with a wart or any other issue on your foot, you should schedule an examination as soon as possible.

Our doctors offer the greatest technologically advanced methods and cutting-edge medical treatments. With locations in Tucson, Oro Valley, and Green Valley areas of Pima County, Arizona, we have vast experience treating issues of the ankles and feet. Our team includes Dr. Christopher M. Funk, Dr. Bradley A. Whitaker, Dr. Peter C. Merrill, and Dr. Zeno Pfau. Please call 520-575-0800 and make an appointment.

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