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Flat Feet: Fixing the Pain

We all started with flat feet. It is just a part of how we grow and develop. Over time, our arches form. The development can happen around age 6. However, there is a chance this doesn’t happen. When this occurs, you have a condition known as flat feet. While most adults move day-to-day with arches, about 2 out of 10 will have flat feet, according to Cleveland Clinic.

What is the fuss about fallen arches? It is a great question to ask The Desert Podiatric Medical Specialists. For some people, flat feet can cause pain; the condition can impact how someone walks. Overall, most people manage without any issues. If you are wondering if you have fallen arches, try this: Stand. Then, ask yourself if your feet press directly into the ground.

We talk about the importance of arch support often. It is one of the biggest helpers for comfort and support while walking. For people who lack this support, they may need some additional assistance. Examples include custom orthotics. Stretching helps, too.

When is it a problem?

The sign of a problem is pain. It is time to call your podiatrist if you have pain while walking — even if it is off and on. Other reasons to call our team include stiffness or having a difficult time with balance. Here’s one more: if you suddenly develop fallen arches, we want to talk.

Are there other complications?

If you have flat feet, you are at risk of developing other common foot conditions. Thankfully, many of these foot problems have simple, non-surgical solutions. There is an increased risk of developing arthritis, bone spurs, bunions, corns, calluses, and more. Pain in the lower back, knee, or hips may occur, too.

What is the solution?

We love to share with patients how conditions rarely require surgery as a solution. Having flat feet is another example. If you are among the people who experience pain with this condition, orthotics is a great option. Rest is always best, including an ice pack. Lastly, physical therapy exercises can gently provide relief to your fallen arches.

Are you feeling down about your flat feet? Give us a call!

With locations in Tucson, Oro Valley, and Green Valley areas of Pima County, Arizona, we have vast experience treating issues of the ankles and feet. Our team includes Dr. Christopher M. Funk, Dr. Bradley A. Whitaker, Dr. Peter C. Merrill, and Dr. Zeno Pfau. Our doctors offer the greatest in technologically advanced methods and cutting-edge medical treatments. Please call 520-575-0800 and make an appointment.

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